Industrial Distribution of Company

Our business revolves around the health industry in the United States; we are striving to surpass, innovate in the spirit of a challenger, and constantly deepen our expertise;
we are striving to provide our customers with excellent product services and solutions.

Twenty years  .  1000 colleagues  .  7000 days and nights

Saimei has a team with rich experience, unique vision, self-confidence, dedication and professional innovation. With years of practical experience, Saimei has always adhered to high standards of service.
What we do for you is not just a service, but a brand that belongs to you. We do it for you, not just a service, but a brand that belongs to you.


Saimei Group has Guangzhou Saimei Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Saimei Food Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Saimei Cosmetics Co., Ltd., and Guangdong Saimei Cosmetics Co., Ltd. It is a large-scale modern enterprise which combines two cer···


What's the difference between a clean wipe and a sanitary wipe?

There are many kinds of wipes on the market now, such as baby cleaning wipes, general cleaning wipes···

How about a sanitary wipe? Does it hurt your body if you use too much?

Wet towel can be divided into ordinary wet towel and sanitary wet towel. Most of the ordinary wet to···

What's the difference between ordinary wipes - Sanitary wipes - medical disinfection wipes

It was thought that there was only difference between ordinary wipes and disinfection wipes, but aft···

How do women delay aging? Collection of these tips

Aging is unavoidable with age, but we can delay aging through some methods. The following gynecologi···

Fighting counterfeit cosmetics in Baiyun District of Guangzhou

On July 25, the professional market control conference of Baiyun District of Guangzhou was held. The···

Gynecological gel processing manufacturers: Women's private parts of these problems should be careful.

In fact, nowadays, people are more or less a little gynecological disease, the difference is serious···

Gynecology gel manufacturers processing antibacterial gel, your brand one-stop build base.

According to the National Urban Women's Health Questionnaire, more than 85% of women attach impo···

Companies engaged in gynecological gel OEM sales enterprises choose bacteriostasis gel manufacturers to know these four points.

The gel OEM is used for processing / OEM, Chinese medicine extract + professional line. It is an ele···
